$800.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases


The service that we wish to offer you is specialized life coaching related to  healthful eating habits. Coaches at the Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly  Carmel”), a New York Limited Liability Company, work with adults and  children to identify emotional issues that might interfere with healthful  eating, to stop repeating thinking and behavior patterns that might lead to  unhealthful eating, to develop a knowledge of and ability to plan for and  engage in healthful eating, and generally to empower clients to eat in a  healthy way. We help clients develop an integrated plan of eating that fits  their lifestyle and helps them end struggles with food and weight. Coaching  sessions are online and in a groups format. 

Coaching is not a medical, mental health, or any other type of health  service. It is not psychotherapy or mental health counseling. No diagnosis  or treatment of, or advice regarding, any medical or mental health  condition or illness is offered. Health insurance companies do not  reimburse for coaching services. Coaching cannot substitute for, and is not  an alternative to, medical or other healthcare diagnosis and treatment  when a medical or mental health condition or illness is present. You are  advised to seek diagnosis, treatment and advice regarding medical or  mental conditions or illnesses from physicians and other licensed health  care and mental health professionals. If you wish mental health assessment,  counseling or psychotherapy, then we can provide you with referrals at  your request. 

Molly Carmel holds a Masters degree in Social Work. Although she is a licensed LCSW-R in New York State, coaching is not considered a health care service for which licensure is required. That Molly has a professional license does not mean that her coaching services are necessarily superior to those of an unlicensed coach. 

Our online group coaching sessions are recorded, including the video  recording of any and all group members who participate by allowing  themselves to be viewed and the audio recording of any and all questions  or comments that participants may have. By participating in any live online 

group coaching session, you are authorizing Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly  Carmel”) to record and use the audio-video recordings of that session for  display to any and all coaching clients of Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly  Carmel”). You acknowledge that in publishing the recordings for their  intended purpose to other clients of Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly  Carmel”) and to the public, you may be recognized whether or not you  disclose your name. You also understand that some members of the public  may believe that you sought coaching from Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly  Carmel”) due to issues in your life having to do with food and weight  because that is the area of specialty for which Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly  Carmel”) is known.  

You acknowledge that you are relinquishing any and all rights to the  recordings made by Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly Carmel”) of your  participation in online group coaching sessions, and understand that the  recordings may be used by Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly Carmel”) for the  above purposes without any further permission being required from you.  You acknowledge that you are not being offered any compensation, nor are  you under any duress, to give your consent to participation in online group  coaching sessions or to being recorded if you do participate. You also  understand that once the recordings are made, they may be used for  several years for the above stated purposes. 

You understand that prior to the making of the recordings, you have the  right to revoke this Consent but because of the expense involved in making  the recordings and contracting for their use, this Consent, once signed, may  be revoked after the recordings are made only at the sole discretion  of Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly Carmel”). 

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you understand the nature of  the coaching services that Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly Carmel”) offers,  that you consent to the recording of your participation in any online group  coaching that you may attend and that you have had the opportunity to  ask any questions you might have about Beacon Programs LLC (“Molly  Carmel”) and the services it is providing to you.

By purchasing the ALL IN Intensive, you are confirming and agreeing to the  required 3 month commitment - both to yourself, your recovery and your  group members. Groups are limited to a specific number of members, as a  result, we do not offer any refunds and, of course, we expect you will make  every effort to attend the scheduled group appointments.


Wednesdays 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m

FEB 7 -  APRIL 24, 2024

What you'll get:

  • Your Power Circle group of no more than 13 people
  • Weekly teachings via video with Molly
  • Weekly 1.5-hour group where you will enhance your learning, get some spot-coaching and set your goals for the week
  • One group a month will be run by Molly Carmel, the others by your assigned Beacon by MC coach.
  • Private Power Circle Facebook group for your group and coach – for support, accountability discussion, and more.
  • Five-day-a-week interaction with your coach in your Facebook group (and they’ll reach out if  you’ve gone missing!)